Archive for August, 2013

Kota Kinabalu and Poring Springs

Kota Kinabalu and Poring Springs

I arrived to Kota Kinabalu (also known as KK) on a rainy afternoon. I was told ahead of time that KK is not a very charming city and I couldn’t agree more. It is just a strange place where so many different types of styles have been mixed together. On one hand, you have the […]

Bako National Park

Bako National Park

Bako national park is very close to Kuching. It is a beautiful rainforest park along the beach. To reach it, you first have to take the bus, then a boat and then walk for a bit longer. I decided to spend two full days there and sleep in the park dormitories. Unfortunately, half of the […]



When I got to Kuching, I felt utterly confused. I hadn’t slept much the previous night. I took the night bus from Pontianak (Indonesia) to Kuching (Malaysia). The bus was very comfortable, but the road was incredibly bumpy… Going from Indonesia to Malaysia felt like entering a new world. It was obvious at first sight […]