November 2014 a dream came true, I went to Antarctica! I had been thinking about this trip for 7 years, but every time, I had to postpone it because it seemed so unreasonable to spend so much money on it when I had bigger needs. But one year within my new job, I felt the […]

Argentina and Chile
In November 2014, a dream was about to come true: I was headed to Antarctica! It was all incredibly exciting. But going to the end of the world is a long trip, first I had to make my way to Ushuaia, the Southernmost city of the world. So I figured I should stop along the […]

Southeast Asia
Graduated! After 5 amazing and eventful years, I finally graduated. To reward myself, I decided to take a 2.5 months trip to Southeast Asia. I will try keeping my blog up-to-date as I travel along and also post short travel videos. Here is my itinerary: Aug 8 – Aug 25: Indonesia Aug 26 – Sep […]

In April 2011 I went to Colombia. I finally had a chance to upload the pictures for this trip. Please go HERE to see my travel report and the photos of yet another amazing journey!

I took advantage of being in the Middle East to cross the border to Jordan. I found in Jordan an amazing place! People were incredibly friendly and the landscape was unbelievable. Click HERE to check our my blog about Jordan!

In Israel!
I arrived in Israel on June 1st 2010 and I will spend the next 8 months here. I came to Israel to work with Raanan Fattal. He used to be a postdoc at Berkeley and now he is a professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. We plan to work on a computational photography project […]